Performance Artist: Character Actor, Dancer, Director, Drag King, Burlesquer, Puppeteer, Artist, Writer, Teacher...
"Karin Webb next commanded everyone’s attention as she explored the meaning of relationships while systematically removing her clothes.The crowd rubbernecked while she strutted around the room, her voice guiding their hungry eyes. By the time she’d made it back to stage, all that was left were her bra (soon to disappear, revealing tasseled nipples), panties, and fishnet stockings. Far sexier than what was left, however, was Webb’s command of the audience. Warm putty in her hands, more than one spectator’s mouth hung slack." - Bay Windows
Putting anything in its place is a hard thing for me to do. Life is more complex than that... This site is an introduction to me. A study of moments and ideas I have uncovered from within. I watch others. I experiment with how to get close to something (anything) that makes sense in this world.
I love Women and Queers and the Characteristics in all people – their stories, their struggles, their bodies, their desires I want to understand.
~Enjoy your time here, and come find me at a show